
“The fate of our Planet depends on the mood of the teacher!”

Such a statement has some basis in fact. Because if a teacher with a bad mood comes to school, it will have an impact not only on the learning process, students, their performance and motivation, it will also affect the relationship in the team, which already has enough problems. But if the teacher is in a good mood – it’s like a fairy tale! And the students are clever and smart, the grades are good, and motivation to learn is present, the administration is “normal”, and parents are not such monsters! Grace.

By popular demand, I have to find out how and what affects the presence or absence of a good mood of the teacher and recommend to teachers a few effective recipes for its elevation and stabilization.

So, I found out! Based on personal experience and the experience of colleagues, I undertake to publish a “couple” of recommendations.

If any of the teachers will take a few recipes to work, and they will affect the mood in a positive way – it will be very good!

So, a few good mood recipes for teachers:

Smile! To yourself in the mirror, to people, to students. A smile is the secret key to longevity, happiness, and a good mood.

Make jokes. As much as possible, to the point. Use your sense of humor with colleagues and students. Good jokes are good spirits all around.

Always be prepared for your workday, lessons, possible questions and answers. If the teacher is ready for class, that’s confidence and good cheer. If not, sadness, fear, and uncertainty.

Do not swim silently downstream. Water does not flow under a lying stone. Develop, invent, plan and create, do something. Remember – no one around you is doing or wanting anything! You have a lot of chances to succeed.

Eliminate procrastination. If you decide to do something, do it. Start without procrastination. Otherwise you will be in a bad mood, knowing that you didn’t do it.

Learn to make decisions. Making decisions is what makes you a leader with a good mood or with a bad one.

Take responsibility, be confident in yourself. Confidence is the basis of success in any field of activity and good spirits.

Confidence comes with experience. Gain personal experience and the experience of others, do not be afraid to make a mistake. He who does nothing makes no mistakes.

Find positive moments in your daily work. Try very hard to find them. Otherwise – trouble.

Learn to put up with circumstances that are sometimes not in your favor and the monotony of work. All depends on you. Well, or almost everything and not always up to you.

If the problem can’t be solved, you have to let it go. Somehow it will solve itself without your involvement. Don’t hesitate. Sometimes you just need to stand back and wait.