
Educational goals and learning objectives
The general goals of education, upbringing, and development are put forward by society and reflected in the educational standard. They are then concretized in the programs for individual subjects, textbooks, teaching aids for teachers, and didactic materials for students. In addition to the general goals, private goals are set for each lesson. Clear setting goals of education is especially important in today’s world in connection with the involvement of independent acquisition of knowledge, mastery of skills and abilities, creative application of them in practice. Educational goal determines what learning outcomes should be achieved by the student under the guidance of a teacher, what amount of knowledge, skills and abilities to master and at what level to apply them, what requirements will be imposed on students at the end of the lesson.

Educational goals and objectives of education
In the learning process, tasks of educational, pedagogical and developmental are solved in inseparable unity. They are united by the common task of a comprehensive and harmonious development of students.
Upbringing is a complex pedagogical activity of the teacher, affecting the personality of the student in accordance with the overall objectives of education. Upbringing as a specific pedagogical activity has its own methods and techniques, principles, means of influence on students, a common goal and specific objectives. But the process of education lasts a long time, and its tangible results can not be detected for a long time. To solve it successfully, it is necessary to increase the educational effect of each lesson.

Preparing for the lesson, the teacher clearly defines, on the formation of what personal qualities to focus attention, formulates educational goals, carefully thought out methods, techniques and means of their solution. He takes into account the content of the teaching material, the age and behavior of students, their training in educational and pedagogical plan, qualities of personality that have already been developed and need to be fixed in the behavior and actions, and those that need further work on their formation.

Individual characteristics of students who require special attention in the upbringing are also taken into account. Educational goals and objectives are solved by the teacher through the correct organization of the educational process in the implementation of the didactic plan.
Teaching provides an opportunity for the formation of personal qualities such as perseverance, initiative, creative activity, independence, honesty, a sense of duty and responsibility.

Goals and objectives of developmental learning
The development of a person, the formation of his personality – a holistic process in which its different sides and qualities are interconnected: physical, mental, labor, aesthetic, moral.

The physical development of the person is characterized by the strength of the body, the perfect functioning of the nervous system, muscular and other systems, strength, speed, accuracy, agility, rhythm, graceful movements.