
The practical use of methods of education raises the question of the teacher’s choice of an adequate method and technique of use. According to science, this depends on many factors:

  • the purpose and content of education,
  • the degree of students’ upbringing,
  • the level of development of interpersonal relations,
  • the authority and experience of the teacher,
  • age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren.

Thus, in an underdeveloped group clear requirements will be necessary. In a group with healthy public opinion and traditions advice, individual conversations are appropriate.

Absolutely “correct” methods for all pedagogical situations do not exist. The educator uses usually a set of methods to achieve the goals, creating a strategy of influence, designed for a certain period of time. The master teacher masters different methods and finds the best combinations for a particular situation. A template is contraindicated here.

Techniques of methods are understood as speech skills, gestures, facial expressions, methods of external expression of the teacher in moments of pedagogical communication. A. S. Makarenko said back in the 20s that students perceive the impact of the teacher through his/her appearance, intonation, facial expressions. It is a question of psychotechnics of teachers’ work, the science of mental states, operations, processes in the performance of professional functions. Along with the pedagogical technique, the teacher must know the pedagogical technology: know the algorithms of actions, forms of education, be able to carry out all operations to implement any method of education.

Means of education

The means of upbringing at school, as follows from the above, are various types of activity phenomena and objects of culture included in the activity, nature, art.

Psychology and pedagogy rightly argue that a person develops, forms his skills, behavior patterns, values, feelings in the process of joint activities with people and in the course of communication with them. Therefore, a teacher, class teacher to achieve educational goals should be able to organize a variety of activities for children, which for them is their natural life, and for the teacher is called a developmental, educational activities.

Methodists distinguish certain types of extracurricular activities that are possible at school, namely cognitive, value-oriented, social, aesthetic, leisure activities.

All of them are closely connected with the learning process, with the content of teaching and education in school and result in the achievement of educational and upbringing goals. So, cognitive activities serve the development of cognitive interests, knowledge accumulation, formation of mental abilities, etc. It is organized in such forms of extracurricular activities as excursions, literature reviews, competitions, contests, lectures, scientific conferences, auctions of knowledge, etc.